Open During Construction is a catalog featuring the work of graduating students in the Portland State BFA program published by the university. This publication acts as a showcase of the artists and their works to date. The final publication is a collaboration between the designers and the content and expectations of the artists.


Within Without, is another catalog published by Portland State that features the work of graduating students in their BFA program. This project allowed me to hone my  layout design and publication design skills, both of which I now enjoy applying to my work in a range of digital spaces.


JOIN Annual Report

As a part of my team’s contract with JOIN, we were enlisted to create their annual report for the SEC. This report served as an opportunity to debut the refreshed brand identity my team had just completed, incorporating branded visual elements throughout the report. This project involved working within a very tight budget to create a print run of 3000+ issues. My team also worked together to create compelling data visualizations that matched their new brand system. We designed pages of dense information and text in a visually compelling way that ensured that the stakeholders at JOIN would be able to enjoy it.



